Wednesday, February 21, 2007

some pics for the tropps

so, i just had my first training session as i need to get these slightly less toned buns back into shape! due to the sudden excess of weight lifting my arms are shaking a little as i type. I have all this free time because i am making beets and swiss char before i get some work done.... so here goes some posting (also note-and i divulged this information to kim already, but i had made a "blog" picture folder when i heard about our new toy... these are just a preivew....

I don't really get how to upload pictures so i'm not going to put them into any specific order...obviously an almost complete group shot is necessary- i also have soooo many more cute pics of us-so this is like a piece of bait to get you to stay tuned.

since everyone is not in that one particular shot, i've found a few other gems so that no one feels left out... this is going to be a long post, but beets take a long time to cook through.... so here is one of hilary looking super sexy-no suprise (but i can't figure out how to rotate it).

next to hil is a picture of kara that is a precursor to our Halloween pictures that will appear at some point

and last but not least a picture erin looking squeaky clean after what i can only assume was a dip in the ocean.

that is all for now. dave's comedy group is in the living room eating pizza and drinking 40s and i'm eating beets, swiss char and having green tea... it is almost time to retire into dave's bedroom to watch an episode of law and order before studying.... tata!



Anonymous said...

can someone please figure out why kara keeps getting cut in half-i spent awhile trying but now my char is cold....

Kara said...

uhhh I don't think the world is ready for that full shot anyway. it looks terrifying!!!

but nice work Alexis!

Anonymous said...

i just deleted a post i wrote... this is so annoying,... sooner or later i'll get it... so maybe i'll write live from nyc again!


Kimya said...

I have a feeling that this blog is going to make me realize just how much I'm missing out by not being in the city!

I'll post something really great soon, so everyone get excited!
